
Inuit Parka.
             In the Arctic and Northern part of Canada are very harsh weather to live and to survive, so over thousands of years the inuits have been adapting their geographical surroundings.
              One of the hardest thing for inuits to make clothes were that the clothes were all hand-made by inuits. this may take more than a month or two. Making clothes were done by women of inuits. Women all had Ulu and sewing kit which are very important for making clothes. Women also used other resources such as caribou's hair and seal's skin.
               The String (also known as 'Sinew' in inuit language) came from back of caribou and its hide legs. Even getting the string out of caribou was very hard work. Women had to have very fast hand movements to make firm string for clothes.  The garments were usually made out of caribou hide. The garments were usually waterproof because of snow and ice all around them. Special things about inuit clothes are that they have patterns that were given to women by her ancestors.
                  As I mentioned to you as before, the clothes took so long time to make. It took so many time because it needed many other resources. 12 caribou skins equel to two pairs of pants and two parkas. Now, special things about Pants and Parkas are that there are differences between male pants and trousers from female pants and tousers. Men's trousers are made out of polar bear fur that are hung below knees and were tied around the waist with thong. However, women's trousers are same with men's trousers except it is short and made out of caribou's belly. Moreover, men's parkas are larger and has small hoods than women's parkas.
                 Other clothes were also made to keep inuits warm and well protected. Mittens were made out of seal skins or polar bear fur. Also to keep themselves warm in their houses, they made slippers out of bird's skin and feathers. Boots for walking outside were made with seal skins with soles of whales and seal hides.
                 Other than clothes, inuits invented many supplies to keep themselves protected from their surroundings. For example, they invented a snow goggle to prevent from their eyes from blinding lights from snow blinding.
                 The clothes were repaired everyday to keepthe body warm and well-protected. The caoldness was so severe that it decided between death and life.


Igloo was very important to inuits.
                Inuits did not have any permanent home because they were always on the move to find more foods for their families. When Inuits had to rest while travelling, so they build house. Most of the inuit's houses are simple, quick, and efficient.
                Inuits' winter house is usually igloo which is very well known around the world. Igloo is made of domes of blocks of ice and snow. Igloo takes only few hours to finish it. the windows could be putted on the igloo by transparent ice and intestine of seal. Moreover, the tube like door was created at the entrance of the igloo to keep the warmth in it.
                Inside the iglooo, the iniuts did not have any furnitures because it will take more times to move around with it. Igloo contained, one family bed, two smaller ones for sitting, cooking place, and working place. Then after carving everything inside and outside the igloo, inuits covered igloo's floor and wall with caribou skins to keep the warmth inside. The hearth which is in the middle of the igloo, the fire was fired by fat from animals because there are not much woods in the tundra and arctic. Further more, the igloo was re-made when the smoke from the fire was trapped inside the igloo, so it was very annoying task.
                 In the spring, the house was more house-like. Inuits made tents and houses out of seal's and caribou's hide and furs. The shape varied where the Iniuts lived, so other Inuits got hints where the others lived close to. Some inuits even built wooden houses for their families when they got some woods from the southern part of arctic. In the oldern days the Inuits built stone houses.


The foods were very important to the inuits.
                The Inuits had to move around to keep their families and supplies up to date. Even though there are more food than they need, they still had to go out and hunt for unexpected weather.
                The main foods for the inuits were meat and blubber of amimals that they catched in their hunting. Usually the blubber and meat are eaten raw because when cooking them, it took so many times. Meat were usually from whitewhale, narwhal, walrus, seal, carribou. For the custom, the leader of the families ate the food first. The water was provided by the snow and ice. Moreover, the inuits ate a lot of fish especially salmons. The leftovers and others were stored underground storage or outside the house.
                For hunting the hunters went out everyday. in the summer the hunters went further than in winter and brought back many things, such as berries and meats.